Meeting Ethiopian independent fact-checker and consultant, Rehobot Ayalew, at DCN Africa Launch in Zambia.


The featured image used in this blog of me and Rehobot Ayalew was taken at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Zambia after the first day of the DCN Africa Launch. Rehobot Ayalew is an Ethiopian independent fact-checker and consultant. For me, if I am not mistaken, this was my first time meeting somebody from Ethiopia.As […]

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DCN Africa Launch in Zambia: My DCNVERSE Experience in the Metaverse World


The featured image used in this blog was taken at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Zambia after the DCN Africa Launch in Zambia, a few minutes before we both left for Dubai with my ‘Meta Man’, Dimitris Dimitriadis, who introduced us to the virtual world. I will tell you everything you need to know […]

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DCN Global Africa Launch- Meeting Kenyan’s PIN’s Communication Manager Judith Ogutu in Zambia


In 2022, while I was in Makeni covering a human- interest story, the Digital Communications Network (DCN) team contacted me for an interview on Citizen Journalism in Africa. My friend, Emmanuel Yegon, a renowned Kenyan Mobile storyteller, had suggested my name from Sierra Leone among a few other journalists and influencers for the said interview. In […]

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